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一次性协作的教训 帮帮我吧 英语作文 !!! (一次性协议是什么意思)

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一次性协作的教训 英语作文 帮帮我吧 !!!

People may not know this, but the internet is not a safe place for all users. The internet can really violate someones privacy. Also, when surfing the web people can become victims of identity theft. Most importantly, you could meet dangerous people on the internet. If you are not careful, the internet can be a very dangerous place. 可以把 答案补充 人们或者并不知道这一点,但互联网是不是一个安保的中央,为一切用户。






The positive effect of a network1、网络有助于翻新青少年思维教育的手腕和方法。

应用网络启动德育教育上班,教育者可以以网友的身份和青少年 在网上“毫无顾虑”地启动实在心态的对等交换,这关于德育上班者摸清、摸准青少年的思维并展开侧面疏导和全方位沟通提供了新的快捷的方法。



1, the network has the means and methods contribute to theinnovation in Ideological Education of young people. Moraleducation by using network, equal communication educators in the Internet free to the true state of mind to the users identity and young people, the moral education to find out, Mozhun thinking of young people and carry out positive guidance and all-round communication provides a new quick method. In addition,the characteristics of the network with real-time dissemination of information and interactive, adolescents may be at the same timeand a number of educators or educational information to maintain a rapid interaction, so as to improve the thought interactionfrequency, improve the effectiveness of education; because the network information is available for download, can store characteristics such as delay, can prolong the educators and education researchers thought interaction time, provide all-weather the ideological guidance and education for the can also be online, offline meetings, to achieve onlinemoral education work moistening and supplemented, to resolve contradictions in a timely manner, to the warmth of the people,mobilize the enthusiasm, creative role.2、提供了求知学习的新渠道。


2, learning by providing a new channel. At present in Chinas educational resources can not meet the demand, the network provides a broad campus learning, learners are able to accept the higher education at any time, any place, to learn all the courses, students Xiuman credits, obtains the degree. This is exam oriented education system in young people is undoubtedly one of the best relief, it is not only beneficial to their physical and mental development, but also conducive to the family and even social stability.3、开拓青少年环球视线,提高青少年综合素质。




3, a global vision to develop young people, improve the comprehensive quality of youth. Access young peoples political vision, knowledge, more open areas, which contributes to the formation of their global consciousness. Similarly, young people and improve the overall quality. Through the Internet, you can train them and their ability of every kind of communication;through online access all kinds of useful books, by analogy, to improve their cultural literacy.二 网络的负面影响The negative effects of two network1、关于青少年“三观”构成构成潜在要挟。


1, three views for teenagers to form a potential are very easy to contact the capitalist propaganda and rhetoric, culture and ideology in the network, ideological extreme contradictions, confusion, the outlook on life, values occur easily tilt, which lead to bad thoughts westernization,hedonism, money worship, worship etc..2、网络扭转了青年在上班和生活中的人际相关及生活模式。



2, the Internet has changed the lives of youth in work andinterpersonal relationships and lifestyle. Teenagers online open,frankly published opinion, requires equal dialogue, and youth workers to challenge the authority, make the ideological and political work often can not achieve the desired effect. At the same time, the Internet enables young people to easily create aself-centered way of life, the collective consciousness, spread of individual liberalism.3、消息渣滓弱化青少年的思维品德看法。




3, information garbage weakening the ideological and moral consciousness of young people. The expert survey, online information 47% and pornography, into about six teenagers on the Internet inadvertently exposed to pornographic are some illegal organizations or individuals are posted to disrupt the black political economic information, to confuse young people. This information is garbage will weaken the ideological and moral consciousness of young minds, pollution,misleading adolescent behavior.4、网络的隐蔽性,造成青少年不品德行为和违法立功状为增多。

一方面,少数青少年阅读黄 色和合法网站,应用虚伪身份启动恶意交友、聊天。

另一方面网络立功增多,例如流传病毒、黑客入侵、经过银行 和信誉卡偷盗、坑骗等。

这些立功主体以青少年 为主,大少数动机单纯,有的甚至是为了“好玩”、“过瘾”和“显示才气”。

另外,无关网络 的法律制度不健全也给青少年 违法立功以无隙可乘。

4, the hidden nature of the network, increasing causes theimmoral and illegal juvenile crime. On the one hand, a few young people to browse pornographic and illegal websites, the use of false identities for malicious personals, chat. On the other hand,the network crime increase, such as the spread of viruses,hackers, through banks and credit card theft, fraud, etc.. Thesubject of crime by teenagers, most pure motives, and some even are for fun, fun and talent show. In addition, the networks legal system does not sound juvenile delinquency also to an opportunity.内容三 上网青年的各种“症状”The contents of three Internet youth symptoms第一,认知上的“快餐——硬结”症First, fast food induration -- on cognitive disorder关于众多步履匆忙的青年而言,互联网好比常识快餐一样,大大激起了他们急于求知的剧烈愿望,在鼠标轻点之间就能立刻在浩如烟海的消息陆地中找到自己所需的消息,从而大大提高了单位期间里的学习、上班效率。


For many young people walking in a hurry, Internet is likeknowledge fast food, greatly stimulated the desire they eager toseek knowledge, in the mouse click will immediately in themultitude of information of the ocean to find the information they need, thereby greatly improving the unit time in learning, the work efficiency. While a variety of fashion online exhibits, theircuriosity driven by curiosity, indulge in pleasures without stop in,never look, structural composition and operation effect of doubtit, the brain to read hastily and without thinking comes into apassive and numbness of the machine, causing many indurationdevouring young people should not only full of vitality and strong minded youth brain, but blocking them for knowledgeinternalization.第二,情感上的“狂泻——冷酷”症Second, emotional collapsed -- apathy.关于那些至今尚未齐全摆脱父权主义、适应主义教育的青年来说,虽然在事实中其情感流露总要遭到他人及社会的左右,但他们身上被压制的诸多情感却可以在网络环球中肆意爆发。



生活中,这些人噤若寒蝉、不善言谈、不为人世情感For those who have not yet been completely get rid ofpatriarchy, conform to the education of young people, although in reality the emotions of others and society have been around,but lots of emotional repressed them can in the network worldwantonly outbreak. Online dating, online chat, in BBS talk with eloquence made people forget the authority to suppress,loneliness, smooth channel air discontent. We just observed,even though the Internet is helpful to a certain extent, ease the pressure on young people, psychological balance, but too muchvirtual online communication will allow many young flyingemotion at the same time, always trying to hide their true feelings, reluctant to reveal the real world, and lazy and living people emotional communication. In life, these people be scanty of words, poor speech, not the emotion



With the help of the Internet,shopping is not a difficult click your mouse to choose the article you like,and the shopping is neednt step out of the room.

It seems easy and theres always a trap you are careless,it will bring you some may find the color of the article is different from what you want,or the size is either too small or too you want to be different,youd better not buy clothes online.

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in all, we cannot live without… So, we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.



my opinion, it is more advisable to to .


is no doubt its drawbacks as well as merits.

